Canada Dollar vs. America Dollar
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Canada Dollar vs. America Dollar
The rate of Forex charges between the U.S.A Dollar and the Canada Dollar is not balanced, but still, their bilateral trade relationships are ever active. The America dollar has got more value compared to Canada dollar, and even their exports and imports trades are considered to be the world largest market after China. The United States from the ancient days has enjoyed the monopoly of being only Canada’s foreign market for her natural resources. Therefore, their bilateral trade relationship based explicitly on the natural resources such as oil and gas hence it has enhanced U.S.A security of natural energy imports while Canada is equally, provided with a steady demand for its energy exports. The mutual business relationship shared between the two nations is so vital to an extent where, they have given it a sideshow to their complexity of Canada dollar vs. U.S dollar. Imagine the Forex market where the Canadian Dollar is worth more than American Dollar; consider how confusing and unattractive the border business between Canada vs. The U.S would unfold.